Brookfield Place - Placemaking Strategy
Peth, WA - Hassell (2013)
Categories and services:
Place vision
Commercial precincts
Bringing the Perth CBD to life, day and night, with authentic experiences and activities.
Village Well was invited to facilitate a Placemaking Workshop with key stakeholder representatives and property owners of Brookfield Place, in Perth’s CBD.
The workshop culminated in the development of a place vision, as well as a new compelling story and place positioning, which then informed a strategic leasing mix and the masterplanning and design for the site. The project team also developed a series of place activation ideas, which have ensured Brookfield Place is active, busy and a well-loved destination from morning until late at night. Additionally, recommendations were provided to ensure the unique history of the local area and the place story is weaved into the design, materials, place textures and public artwork, making this new development contextually rich and distinctive.
Village Well performed a key role in getting all the key players to ‘sing from the same songsheet’ and work together collaboratively.