Queen Victoria Night Market – Place Visioning
Melbourne, VIC, Queen Victoria Market (1992 & 2011)
Categories and services:
Place Visioning
Creating and activating Melbourne’s night economy.
With a business relationship spanning nearly 20 years, Village Well has worked with the Queen Victoria Market to help transform Melbourne’s ageing but iconic food market into a thriving hub of day and night activity.
Village Well’s activation strategies transformed the food hall and initiated the well-known Night Market held every summer, cementing the Market as one of the State’s preeminent tourism destinations.
In 2011, Village Well was once again engaged by the Queen Victoria Market to develop a new concept for a Winter Night Market. Village Well collaborated with potential vendors and traders, leading thinkers and innovators from around Melbourne to develop the Winter Night Market which was launched with great success in 2012.
Village Well developed the Market Concept Strategy including its positioning, logo and brand and provided recommendations regarding the leasing mix and market design.