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Bonnyrigg - Action Plan


Sydney, NSW - Fairfield Council (2009-2011)

Categories and services:

  • Residential communities 

  • Place Vision 

  • Community and stakeholder engagement 

Celebrating all of the world in a special residential community.

In 2009, Bonnyrigg, in Sydney’s west, was home to a community of public housing tenants who were experiencing significant change as a result of the redevelopment of the housing estate, known as the Newleaf Bonnyrigg project. The City of Fairfield engaged Village Well to facilitate a community visioning process to build community understanding and generate confidence and ownership in the redevelopment process.


Village Well researched the place and its community and led a series of workshops and conversations that involved community members and other stakeholders, including operators of nearby property owners and traders.


The engagement process culminated in the development of a clear vision for the future, suite of ideas for community activities and initiatives and the creation of an active group of local residents who organised and participated in community initiatives.


Village Well returned to Bonnyrigg in 2011 to evaluate the outcomes of its work and ongoing community activities, to then prioritise future placemaking initiatives. The process was successful in fostering community pride and ownership. Newleaf Bonnyrigg has also won numerous awards for urban renewal and masterplanning and as an exemplar of public private partnerships.

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