Maria Island - Visitor Experience Plan
Maria Island, Tasmania - Parks and Wildlife Service (2018)
Categories and services:
Tourism destinations
Visitor Experience Plan
Inviting visitors to explore Maria Island through memorable and unique experiences that uncover and showcase the Island’s many stories.
Maria Island is a unique place that is deeply etched into the Tasmanian psyche. The Island is quickly evolving, positioned as a significant tourism destination for interstate and international visitors. Visitor numbers are projected to increase from 20,000 to 100,000 between 2018 and 2023 and a strategic plan was identified as necessary to enhance the visitor experience, while maintaining and protecting the Island’s natural and heritage assets.
Village Well was engaged by the Tasmania Parks and Wildlife Service to develop a Visitor Experience Plan, which included the design and facilitation of a range of engagement sessions with community groups, industry and commercial operators, Council and government to understand their perspectives and aspirations and inform the development of a vision for the visitor experience, as well as strategic directions. Village Well also conducted in-depth audience research and undertook customer journey mapping, identifying key existing experiences on the Island for each audience segment, as well as developing new and creative concepts to enhance the visitor experience for each group.
Concepts developed aimed to:
Create a quality visitor experience that reflected the community’s and key stakeholder groups’ core values.
Increase visitor understanding of the environmental, historic, social, cultural and economic values of Maria Island.
Increase visitor awareness and education about the Island and manage on-the-ground visitor expectations.
Support the increase of the day-visitor market.
Support the local economic development of the broader Triabunna and Orford region through tourism.
Celebrate community efforts, people and stories.
Maintain the essence of Maria Island, the things that make it special and what long term visitors love.
A key outcome of the process was broad stakeholder support for and alignment with the vision and key strategic directions, both short and long-term, which has helped guide investment and improvements in the visitor experience at Maria Island.