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Rundle Mall – Place Vision


Adelaide, SA – Adelaide City Council (2010-11) 

Categories and services:

  • Mainstreets

  • Place Vision

  • Community and Stakeholder Engagement

Repositioning Rundle Mall as the retail heart of Adelaide - catalysing the renewal of Adelaide’s CBD.

Village Well, in partnership with Conner Holmes and FJMT Architects, were engaged by Adelaide City Council and the Rundle Mall Management Authority to create a Masterplan for the Rundle Mall Retail Precinct, with the purpose of guiding the future direction and delivery of projects and investment in the Precinct and reposition Rundle Mall as a unique, vibrant and attractive civic place in the heart of the Adelaide CBD.

Village Well facilitated and led the development of a community vision for Rundle Mall. Creative engagement processes with key stakeholder groups, including traders, community, Council and land-owners, provided valuable insights and ideas that informed the development of a compelling shared vision and a suite of placemaking strategies for inclusion in the Masterplan. Village Well also provided ongoing placemaking advice to the project design team and clients throughout the completion of the Masterplan.

The Rundle Mall Masterplan received unanimous support from Adelaide City Council, helping to secure $30 million in funding towards implementing the first stages of development.

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