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West End – Placemaking Engagement, Vision, Activation and Implementation Plan


West Melbourne, VIC - Trenerry Property Group (2015/2021)

Categories and services:

  • Placemaking Engagement

  • Placemaking Vision

  • Placemaking Activation and Implementation pl

  • Commercial Precincts

Image courtesy of Floodslicer Pty Ltd

West End is $385 million mixed-use development including 377 apartments, a serviced hotel, public park and retail arcade.

Village Well was engaged by Trenerry Property to create the initial vision for the project, and provide strategic advice to guide internal stakeholders and the design team. Residents and tenants had moved in during a period of sustained COVID lockdowns. Village Well was re-engaged by Trenerry to address activation and vacancy challenges stemming from this period, to create a Placemaking Strategy and Activation Plan to guide activation and programming for the public realm, retail and shared spaces.

Village Well held workshops and conducted an online survey with residents, the owners corporation, tenants and the development and management teams to explore aspirations, activities and retail demand. The outcomes from this process informed the creation of a Placemaking Strategy and Activation Plan. Analysis of place audience needs informed detailed retail and programming recommendations that were backed by actual on-site demand.

Another key outcomes was the establishment of the West End Village Activation Team. Village Well facilitated the first official team meeting with residents, and successfully empowered residents to lead activation of shared space. WEVAT were involved in the Retail Kickstart Grant and Place Revitalisation Project which generated a wait list of aligned businesses vying to join the precinct, and took out gold in Excellence in Marketing Innovation at the Urban Developer 2023 awards. All tenancies are now filled or with leases being finalised, incorporating an eclectic mix of restaurants and bars, cafes, health and wellness facilities, and pet retailers catering for the large number of pet owners in the precinct.

© 2024 Village Well

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